Senior Research Associate, associate professor of linguistics, Researcher at Slovenian Linguistic Atlas
+386 5 335 7321
Delpinova 12, Nova Gorica
Danila Zuljan Kumar is a researcher in the Dialectological Section. Her research focuses on the Slovenian dialectology, especially on the Ter/Torre Valley, Nadiško/Natisone Valley and Brda/Collio dialects of the Slovenian Littoral dialect group. Within this, she is particularly interested in the problems of linguistic contact between unrelated languages, i.e. between the western Slovene dialects and the Romance neighbors. Recently, she has also focused on sociolinguistic issues in linguistic contact, such as the relationship between identities and languages in multilingual societies. She participates in the preparation of the Slovenian Linguistic Atlas.
Research Areas
- dialectology
- syntax
- contact linguistics
- text linguistics
- sociolinguistics
Education, Academic and Scientific Titles
- 2024: senior research associate, ZRC SAZU, Fran Ramovš Institute of Slovenian Language
- 2022: associate professor of linguistics, University of Nova Gorica, Faculty of Humanities
- 2020: research fellow, ZRC SAZU, Fran Ramovš Institute of Slovenian Language
- 2006: PhD thesis: Govorjena briška narečna besedila z vidika besedilne skladnje (Spoken Briško Dialectal texts from the Point of View of Text Linguistics), Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana
- 2001: MA thesis: Narečne interference v skladnji beneškoslovenskih besedil (Dialectal Interferences in the Syntax of Slavia Veneta Dialectal Texts), Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana
- 1994: BA: A – Slovene Language and Literature, B – English Language and Literature, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana
Employments, Leadership Positions and Competences
- 2002–: ZRC SAZU, Fran Ramovš Institute of Slovenian Language
- 2008–: temporary and from 2020 – part time employment, School of Humanities, University of Nova Gorica
- 1994–2002: professor of Slovene and English Languages, School Centre Nova Gorica
- 1995–1998: temporary employment, Wall Street Institute in Gorizia, Italy
- 1992–1994: professor of English language, Primary School Dobrovo
Leadership Positions:
- 2024–2025: leader of the market project Linguistic research of western Slovene territory (Municipality of Brda)
- 2019–2023 leader of the market project Western Slovene ethnic border in the frame of time changes (Municipality of Brda)
- 2021: leader of the research project Slovenes and their lives in the western Slovene ethnic border (Urad Republike Slovenije za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu)
- 2010–2021: Head of ZRC SAZU Research Station Nova Gorica
- 2005–2015: Chair of the board for the poet Gradnik's evenings, Municipality of Brda
- PhD supervision: Urška Vranjek Ošlak (2021)
- PhD co-supervision: Lara Pižent, Renata More
- BA and MA theses supervision: Irena Jejčič, Nina Rogelja, Ivana Vekjet Frančeškin, Sara Adamlje, Tadeja Kompara, Vlasta Križman, Lucija Sulič, Elena Kobal, Lea Ferfolja, Tanja Maučec, Taja Petrič, Maja Trušnovec, Lionella Costantini
Visiting researcher at:
- 2023: Università degli studi di Padova, Dipartimento di studi linguistici e letterari – DiSLL
- 2020: Università degli studi di Padova, Dipartimento di studi linguistici e letterari – DiSLL
- 2020: Šlezyska univerza v Opave (Češka)
- 2019: Università degli studi di Padova, Dipartimento di studi linguistici e letterari – DiSLL
Visiting professor at:
- 2023: University of Padova
- 2020: University of Padova
- 2019: Silesian University, Opava
- 2019: Masaryk University, Brno
- 2015: Jagiellonian University, Krakow
- 2012, 2015: University of St. Kliment Ohridski, Sofia
- 2011: Vilnius University
- 2010: University of Lodz
- 2009: University of Buenos Aires
- 2008: Charles University, Prague
Collaboration with Slovenian and Friulian institutions in Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy:
- Institute for the Slovenian Culture (Inštitut za slovensko kulturo) in San Pietro al Natisone
- Cultural Association Ivan Trinko in Cividale
- Slovene Research Institute in Trieste
- Regional Agency for the Friulian Language (Agjenzie regjonâl pe lenghe furlane) in Udine
- Friulian Philological Society (Società filologica friulana) in Udine
Membership in professional associations
- 2013–: Member of International Society of Dialectologists and Geolinguists – SIDG
- 2015–: Member of Slavic Linguistic Society – SLS
- 1994–: Member of Slavic Society of Slovenia
Work in Editorial Boards and Expert Commissions
- 2017–: member of the Slovenian-Italian commission for the inscription of the Territory of Brda/Collio/Cuei on the UNESCO list of cultural heritage
- 2017–2019: member of the editorial board for the preparation of the scientific monograph Historian of the Western Edge: prof. dr. Branko Marušič on his 80th birthday
- 2017–: member of the group for the preparation of the Local Plan for Culture at the Municipality of Nova Gorica
- 2015–: member of the expert council of ZKMTŠ Brda
- 2007–: member of the committee for the preparation of the Škrabec Days
- 2005–2015 president of the commitee fort he preparation of Gradnik's days; 2015– member of the committee
Outstanding Achievements, Awards and Grants
- 2022: co-author and co-editor of the scientific monograph Saggi scelti sulla storia, sulla lingua e sulla società slovena al confine italo-sloveno
- 2021: co-author and co-editor of the scientific monograph Simon Rutar in Beneška Slovenija (Simon Rutar and Slavia Veneta)
- 2019: editor of the monograph Med Biršo, Vrbačno in Prevalo: krajevna, ledinska, vodna, hišna in gorska imena v Gornjem in Dolnjem Cerovem in soseščini (Between Birša, Vrbačna and Prevala: local, glacial, water, house and mountain names in Gornje and Dolnje Cerovo and their neighbourhood) by Vlado Klemše
- 2018: co-author and co-editor of the scientific monograph Zahodna Banjška planota skozi čas (Western Banjška Plateau through Time)
- 2018: co-editor of the second collection of stories from the Ter/Torre Valley with the title Lučice na oknah: naš sviet pouan naposebnosti = il nostro mondo pieno di meraviglia
- 2015: co-author and co-editor of the scientific monograph Brda and Brici (Brda and Brici)
- 2015: editor of the monograph Na medanskem griču / In Monte Medani (On the Medana Hill / In Monte Medani) by Vlado Klemše
- 2010: co-editor of the collection of stories from the Ter/Torre Valley entitled Mlada lipa: pravece domah narete: a selection of texts from the publication Mlada lipa
2023: Slovenski lingvistični atlas 3, Kmetovanje - orodje, opravila (co-author)
2022: Skladnja nadiškega in briškega narečja
2022: Saggi scelti sulla storia, sulla lingua e sulla societa slovena al confine italo-sloveno (co-author, co-editor)
2022: Young slovenes in Slavia Veneta, Italy and their acts of identity
2019: Word Order in Slovene Dialectal Discourse
2019: Pragmatic functions of repetitions in spontaneous spoken dialect discourse
i-SLA – Interactive Atlas of Slovenian Dialects (applied research project • September 1, 2020 - August 31, 2024)
Spletni portal Franček, Jezikovna svetovalnica za učitelje slovenščine in Šolski slovar slovenskega jezika (July 19, 2017 - September 30, 2021)
Materialna kulturna dediščina v slovenskih narečjih: geolingvistična predstavitev (July 1, 2011 - December 31, 2015)