Principal Investigator at ZRC SAZU
Neva Makuc, PhD-
Original Title
Revitalising Historic Buildings through Public-Private Partnership Schemes
1 July 2016–31 May 2019 -
Lead Partner
Project Leader
Bartosz Budny
Financial Source
Služba vlade RS za razvoj in evropsko kohezijsko politiko
Javna agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije
Znanstvenoraziskovalni center Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti (Sloven…, Grad Buzet (Croatia), Mesto Hnúšt'a (Slovakia), Fakulteteta za poslovne vede (Slovenia), Mestna občina Nova Gorica (Slovenia), Agentúra pre rozvoj Gemera (Slovakia), Institut za razvoj međunarodne odnose (Croatia), Fundacja Ochrony krajobrazu (Poland), Instytut partnerstwa publiczno-prywatnego (Poljska)
RESTAURA - Revitalizacija zgodovinskih stavb s pomočjo shem javno-zasebnega partnerstva
Initiated in 2016, RESTAURA - Revitalising Historic Buildings through Private-Public Partnership Schemes (under the transnational cooperation programme Central Europe 2014-2020) - is a project financed by the European Regional Development Fund. The project focuses on the facilitation of use of public-private partnership schemes in the area of revitalisation of historical buildings in Central-European countries. The project joins partners from Poland, Slovenia, Croatia and Slovakia. These are countries in which many historical buildings are in a state of disrepair and where the use of public-private partnership schemes is still, due to various reasons, underdeveloped.
The RESTAURA project is scheduled until May 2019. Its aim is to identify, test and promote good practices of public-private partnership in revitalisation of historical sites and buildings. With limited public budgets in view the promise of public-private partnerships is to contribute to the preservation of Slovenian and Central European cultural heritage. Pursuant the aim of conserving and valorising cultural heritage, the project develops strategies, action plans, pilot actions, workshops for the public sector and more. The project includes three Slovenian partners: Municipality of Nova Gorica, Faculty of Business Studies and Research centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts. The significance of the project is illustrated by the inclusion of joint partners such as the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, Slovenian Bishops Conference and the Archdiocese of Ljubljana.
Project helpdesk
A helpdesk about the project with contact information is available at the official project website