Heritage in action: Participatory methods and digital learning sources for inclusion of youth in heritage practices and education
Principal Investigator at ZRC SAZU
Martin Pogačar, PhD-
Original Title
Dediščina v akciji: Participativne metode in digitalni učni viri za vključevanje mladih v dediščinske prakse in izobraževalno-vzgojne vsebine
Project Team
Jasna Fakin Bajec, PhD, Tanja Petrović, PhD-
Project ID
1 November 2019–31 October 2021 -
Financial Source
Agencija za raziskovanje RS
Ministrstvo za kluturo RS
Arctur, d.o.o., dr. Hrvoje Ratkajec, Matevž Straus
The main mission of the project was to analyse the existing and develop novel participatory methods and ICT tools to bring cultural heritage closer to the elementary and secondary school pupils in an interesting, creative and modern way. At the same time, the idea was to actively engage them in various heritage actions carried out within local or national communities. The central challenge, therefore, was to motivate the young to find greater interest in heritage.
The main goal of the research project was to develop a model and to test the digital learning source prototype to bring closer to the young various approaches to heritage practices and digital heritage content. Special focus was placed on how to actively motivate various stakeholders, especially the young, to participate as content developers and learning source testers. In addition to a number of results (among others, a scientific article on digital heritage practices, guidelines for the Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Education, Science and Sports), the project team produced two main practical results:
- A manual featuring a detailed presentation of participatory methods and methods for designing ICT tools to facilitate experiential education about cultural heritage,
- A digital education prototype to be co-designed and co-developed by primary and secondary school students from the Municipality of Ajdovščina to facilitate better promotion and education about cultural monuments in Ajdovščina (to be used by the Municipality of Ajdovščina, a local, Regional museum Nova Gorica or the Lavrič Library Ajdovščina).
Thus, the project makes an important contribution to raising awareness of the potential of digital heritage for a more competitive and local community.
Central project results:
/ Digital learning source prototype: Kruh in čas
/ Handbook Dediščina v akciji: Poti in načini vključevanja dediščinskih praks v vzgojno-izobraževalne vsebine
/ Guidelines fo RS Ministries Smernice za Ministrstvo za kulturo RS in Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost in šport RS