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EPISKOP: Annibel Cunoldi Attems: MIRROR

Basic information

January 8, 2025 at 18:00
Knjigarna kavarna Maks, Delpinova 12, Nova Gorica
Facebook event

Na uvodnem dogodku Episkopa bomo predstavili celoten letni program ZRC SAZU ob priložnosti, ko Nova Gorica z Gorico nosi naziv evropske prestolnice kulture. Podrobneje se bomo posvetili dogodkom in vsebinam meseca januarja ter prvemu poglavju nastajajoče štirijezične knjige z naslovom Gorica, Guriza, Görz, Gorizia, Gvrytsyh – različni odtenki goriške jezikovne stvarnosti. Osrednji del večera bo namenjen umetnini meseca – Zrcalu, ki ga bo v pogovoru z avtorico Annibel Cunoldi Attems predstavila umetnostna zgodovinarka Klavdija Figelj.

At the Episkop launch, we will present the year-long programme of the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (ZRC SAZU) on the occasion of Nova Gorica and Gorizia as the European Capital of Culture in 2025. We will take a closer look at the events and content featured in January and the first chapter of the forthcoming quadrilingual book entitled Gorica, Guriza, Görz, Gorizia, gvrytsyh – different shades of linguistic reality in the Gorizia region. The main event of the evening will be the unveiling of the artwork of the month – Mirror, to be carried out by the art historian Klavdija Figelj in conversation with the author Annibel Cunoldi Attems.

Sodelujejo | participants

Oto Luthar, direktor ZRC SAZU, uvodni pozdrav |Director of ZRC SAZU, welcoming speech

Petra Svoljšak, vodja Raziskovalne postaje ZRC SAZU v Novi Gorici, uvodni pozdrav | Head of the ZRC SAZU Research Station in Nova Gorica, welcoming speech

Špela Ledinek Lozej, ZRC SAZU, vodja projekta | Project Manager

Janoš Ježovnik, ZRC SAZU, kurator meseca januarja | Curator for the Month of January

Klavdija Figelj, kuratorka umetnin meseca | Curator of the Artworks of the Month

Annibel Cunoldi Attems, umetnica | artist
